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EdgeType 🧀

The EdgeType allows you to create a GraphQL relay edge ObjectType from a base type. ObjectTypes are what you can return from any graphql resolver, see the examples for more full implementations of how to connect to resolvers. We'll get to a more full and complete example of EdgeTypes below, but for now here is an isolated example showing how exactly the EdgeType is used.

export class SongEdge extends EdgeType(Song) {
// You can add additional properties and values that are specific to your specific EdgeType here...

For a more full example, all you need to do is create a base ObjectType Class to pass into the EdgeType function:

import {ObjectType, Field} from "type-graphql";
import {EdgeType} from "typegraphql-relay-connections";

// This is our ObjectType:
class Song {
id!: string

title!: string;

// This is the EdgeType:
export class SongEdge extends EdgeType(Song) {}