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Function: streamingSAX()

streamingSAX<EventsToListen>(options): TransformStream<string | Uint8Array, Event<EventsToListen[number]>>

Type Parameters

EventsToListen extends ("error" | "text" | "doctype" | "processinginstruction" | "sgmldeclaration" | "opentagstart" | "opentag" | "closetag" | "attribute" | "comment" | "opencdata" | "cdata" | "closecdata" | "opennamespace" | "closenamespace" | "noscript")[]



options.continueOnError?: boolean = false

Continues on error when true. The default of the sax parser is to stop on error pass true to instead continue on error. EventsToListen

The Sax Events to listen to.

options.saxOptions? = {}

Object bag of settings regarding string formatting. All default to false.

options.saxOptions.lowercase?: boolean

If true, then lowercase tag names and attribute names in loose mode, rather than uppercasing them.

options.saxOptions.normalize?: boolean

If true, then turn any whitespace into a single space.

options.saxOptions.position?: boolean

If true, then track line/col/position

options.saxOptions.strict?: boolean

When true enables "unforgiving" mode.

options.saxOptions.strictEntities?: boolean

If true, only parse predefined XML entities (&, ', >, <, and ")

options.saxOptions.trim?: boolean

Whether or not to trim text and comment nodes.

options.saxOptions.xmlns?: boolean

If true, then namespaces are supported.


TransformStream<string | Uint8Array, Event<EventsToListen[number]>>

A through stream that can be async iterated. Will emit data from any of the events that are listened to in the form {event: "event-name", payload: "event-data" } where "event-name" and "event-data" are the event's name and data.

Defined in
